
How Mav Solves The Top 3 Problems for Sales Reps

You're ready to go all-in on texting, but which solution is right for you? There's a few main differences between Mav and hybrid messaging platforms - which offer some automation and some human sales rep delivered messages - and it starts with who is having the conversation.

Mav has conversations with leads without help from a sales rep. Fully autonomous, two-way SMS conversations.

Hybrid texting platforms merely facilitate a conversation between your sales rep and the lead.

Hybrid platforms might send the first message, but the sales rep needs to take over after any reply.

The hybrid approach makes it a bit more convenient to send messages and have conversations than a manual text conversation, but these solutions can actually create more problems than they solve. Mav on the other hand, is focused on solving these problems.

Problem #1 — Sales Rep Time is Expensive

Even if you’re only paying $72,000 a year for an average sales rep, that equates to $0.62 per minute. If it typically takes a sales rep 1-2 minutes to read, consider, craft and send an SMS response, you’re paying $0.62-$1.24 PER MESSAGE. Mav breaks down to around $0.15 per message on average. Not to mention, Mav responds to messages 24/7, not only during business hours like a human sales rep.

This means, on average, Mav costs 4-8x less per message.

Problem #2 — Scale

With hybrid message platforms (some automation + some sales rep messages), if you want to send more text messages to more people, you'll either need to ask more of your current team, or hire more people. With Mav, you can instantly scale your marketing up by simply giving our team the word to scale. We'll be here for you every step of the way, and even suggest more ways you can grow and scale your sales experiences with Mav.

Problem #3 - Customer Experience

With SMS, every second matters, and Mav replies 30x faster than your typical phone obsessed teenager. Typical SMS reply times are around 90 seconds. Mav responds in 3 seconds on average. Once you adopt SMS as a communication channel with your clients, they'll expect the same 90 second response times that they get from their friends and family. Because Mav responds in as little as 3 seconds, Mav allows you to maintain and even speed up proper texting etiquette with your leads, while also keeping your sales team focused on driving revenue.

We're so confident that Mav will outperform hybrid messaging platforms that we want you to you try it out for free. Whether you're starting to text for the first time, scaling your initiatives or comparing Mav to your existing hybrid messaging platforms, we're here to help.

Tap Get Started below to claim your free trial.

Hillary Black

Hillary Black

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